Blogging Challenge 2025

Shannon hit me with the digital social pressure to do this blogging challenge. So I guess I’ll do it for her.

Why did you start blogging in the first place?

I had never even considered blogging until I started working at UMW. I signed up for Domain of One’s Own after a push from…maybe Ryan Brazell? Maybe Jim Groom? Not totally sure.

What platform are you using to manage your blog and why do you use it?

WordPress – it’s the only CMS I’ve every known.

Have you blogged on other platforms before?

I had a LiveJournal account but I don’t think I ever posted anything, except comments on my friends’ blog.

How do you write your posts?

Generally I don’t? I have never regularly blogged. Usually I’m writing edtech guides these days.

When do you feel most inspired to write?

The last time I felt really inspired to blog was immediately after the pineapple incident. I posted that on Facebook initially and then moved it over to my blog.

I remember often getting the urge to write, and starting to compose the story in my head long before I sat down to start writing. I don’t get that as much anymore.

Do you normally publish immediately after writing, or do you let it simmer a bit?

I mean, I usually don’t write, but when I do I publish pretty quickly.

What’s your favorite post on your blog?

Well now I have to go back and read them all.

It was super nostalgic to read back through the posts. There aren’t that many, but they really took me back.

I still really enjoy the pineapple story. It almost feels like it was written by someone else. Most of what I write now are emails and guides, so there’s not much room for that kind of prose.

The 100 word stories I wrote for Digital Pedagogy Lab are fun. I wouldn’t mind writing more of those.

But I think my favorite post is this guide to booking spaces on campus. I never actually used it for training purposes, so it was a lot of wasted work time, and it is super not accessible. I just posted here privately to test how it looked on a website before bagging the whole idea. But I had a lot of fun making it, and it still makes me laugh, so I went ahead and published it so I can enjoy it the next time I go down this rabbit hole.

I miss the old style Bitmojis.

Any future plans for the blog?

This post is the most action my blog has seen in years, so I don’t want to go around making any bold promises.

Who will participate next?

I’m super not keyed into who blogs these days. Maybe Andréa Livi Smith? Looks like she posted once in 2024, so that’s good enough for me. You just got tagged, Smith!

The Toothbrush Story

My roommate and I were cleaning the bathroom. 

“Wait,” said my roommate. “I have the perfect tool for this.” 

He left, and returned moments later holding my toothbrush. 

“Um,” I said calmly, “that’s my toothbrush.” 

“No, it’s not,” he replied.  

Like I wouldn’t know? 

“This is the toothbrush,” he continued, “that I went around and asked everyone about. No one claimed it.” 

“I don’t think so,” I said. “Because if that were true, I would have said ‘That’s my toothbrush.’ ” 

He considered this. 

“Oh,” he finally said. “Then it must have been another toothbrush.” 

I threw that toothbrush away. 

No One Else’s Job

A merchant hurrying to market came upon a traveler picking up trash along the roadside.  

“Why are you picking up trash?” asked the merchant. “It’s not your job.”   

“Oh, my apologies,” replied the traveler, looking concerned. “Is it your job?”   

“No, of course not,” said the merchant.   

“Is it someone else’s job?” asked the traveler.   

“None that I know of,” replied the merchant.   

“Ah,” said the traveler, relieved. “Well, if it is no one else’s job, then it must be mine!”   

And they went their separate ways, each thinking the other a fool. 

Space Booking Training

I made this image as a guide for people booking spaces on campus. I spent a lot of time on it, but never shared it. Probably for the best – I realize now that it is an accessibility nightmare.

But…I still love it. OG Bitmojis were rad.

I’m in a textbook

I was surprised and excited to stumble across this mention of my version of “The Bear and the Cub” in a textbook: Freedom of Speech: Reflections in Art and Popular Culture, by Patricia L. Dooley

Excerpt from the book "Freedom of Speech: Reflections in Art and Popular Culture" Section Title: Ye Bare and Ye Cubb (1665)

“Still a Hit After 350 Years”

This article ran in USA Today in 2015. I wrote the play in 2007.

Accomack: ‘Bear and Cub’ still a hit after 350 years

Carol Vaughn

Accomack: ‘Bear and Cub’ still a hit after 350 years

The North Street Playhouse performs “The Bare and the Cubbe” near the site of the original play, which was performed in Pungoteague, Virginia in 1665. Produced by Carol Vaughn and Jay Diem

Think of it as the revival of an old hit — 350 years old, to be exact.

An enthusiastic audience gathered in the waning sunshine Thursday afternoon on the lawn of St. George’s Episcopal Church in Pungoteague, Virginia to watch actors from Onancock’s North Street Playhouse perform “The Bare & the Cubbe,” a three-act play based on the earliest known English-language play performed in the New World.

It was 350 years to the day after the first performance.

That one — staged at a Pungoteague tavern on Sunday, Aug. 27, 1665 — got the actors in trouble, earning them an entry in the county court records.

But the latter-day performance earned nothing but accolades.

“It was a marvelous performance — I’ve been waiting to see it. Today is a wonderful day, with the weather perfect, and the performers were wonderful,” said Bob Behr, a member of the Virginia Commission for the Arts.

North Street Playhouse Artistic Director Terry Bliss concurred, saying after the applause had finally died down, “I just couldn’t stop smiling. It just goes down so many layers — I’m overwhelmed.”

Staged between two ancient sycamore trees, with a curtain strung between them to hide the backstage, it was the first outdoor performance for most members of the all-volunteer cast.

“They rose to the challenge,” Bliss said.

The reason we know about the original play at all is because Edward Martin — an Accomack County resident thought to be a Quaker — brought a complaint against the actors, Cornelius Watkinson, Phillip Howard and William Darby, in court.

The play’s first mention dates to Nov. 16, 1665, when Accomack County court records give the title and the actors’ names, along with a judge’s order that it be performed again at the next session of court.

Darby, the playwright, was to be arrested and held, while Watkinson and Howard were to be detained “until they put in security to perform this order.”

The play was said to have been performed at Fowkes Tavern in Pungoteague, which also served in those days as the location where court was held.

The tavern, which no longer stands, was not far from St. George’s church — that’s why the playhouse decided to put on the anniversary performance there.

The 17th century judge after seeing the performance found the men not guilty of the unspecified charges against them, according to a January 16, 1666 entry in the court records.

Based on those scant facts, a tradition arose and has persisted among Eastern Shore of Virginia residents as to the play’s content, with the general agreement being it likely had a political tone.

With no script surviving, Eastern Shore of Virginia native Cartland Berge, who was active in North Street Playhouse as a teenager, was commissioned to write a new one as part of the Jamestown 400th anniversary celebration in 2007.

Berge’s interpretation is a play within a play, with lots of humor including jokes about bad beer and a feisty barmaid. In it, he tells the story of how the original came to be, including its two performances at the tavern.

“I’m taking the idea that it’s a revolutionary play. England is the bear and the colonies the cub — it’s meant to incite revolution,” Berge said at the time.

The interpretation makes sense in light of actions by King Charles II’s regime toward the colonists during that period, according to scholar Joel Eis, who wrote a 2004 treatise about “The Bare and the Cubbe” called “A Full Investigation of the Historic Performance of the First Play in English in the New World.”

“In the 1660s there was the profound and pervasive rancor toward the British government felt by this colonial enclave as a whole,” Eis wrote, adding, “The Trade Laws passed in the early 1660s, requiring nearly monopolistic trade only with England and mostly in English ships with English crews, was pointed most specifically at the Eastern Shore of Virginia…When the play took place in 1665, bitterness against absentee rule had grown strong throughout much of the settlement on the Eastern Shore.”

Berge, a 2001 graduate of Nandua High School, first heard about ‘The Bare and the Cubbe’ from high school history teacher Dennis Custis and wrote a paper about the play in college, using Eis’ book as a source.

When Bliss sent out the proposal for a new script to playwrights, Berge, who by then was living in New York City, didn’t want to have an unfair advantage because of his long association with North Street Playhouse.

So he wrote the play, his first full-length script, under the alias Howard Studgy — a name taken from one of the early Eastern Shore colonists Eis mentioned in his book.

Berge’s script was chosen from among a half dozen entries — although Bliss almost dismissed it because she didn’t know anything about Studgy and because he lived way up in New York. But everyone she gave the scripts to agreed his was the best interpretation.

“It was funny and it had a modern sensibility about it,” Bliss said.

The play was performed in 2007 and again last spring at North Street Playhouse.

With the 350th anniversary approaching, it was decided to put on one more performance — this time a free one held outdoors near the original site.

Bliss said the 2015 cast, including everyone from a recent high school graduate to retirees to a General District court judge, reflects a cross-section of society similar to those who were involved in the original court case.

“It is very satisfying and makes me very proud that our cast reflects what the early cast was,” she said.

Guiding Light

Look carefully. Can you spot the binder clips keeping chaos at bay?

binder clips lights gallery cartland berge

These track lighting fixtures would not stay where they were supposed to be focused. I tried lots of solutions before the binder clip ultimately saved the day.